
Speaker: Branden Fitelson (Rutgers University)
Title: LIRa-affiliated event: Tutorial on Coherence
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

Short Description: This project revolves around the contemporary literature on (formal) coherence. Specifically, we will focus on recent applications of “epistemic utility theory” to the problem of grounding synchronic coherence requirements for full belief, comparative confidence, and numerical credence (viz., degree of belief), respectively. The course will be a mixture of introductory lectures by the instructor, presentations by students, and group discussion. The instructor will be distributing a draft book manuscript which will serve as the primary source for readings and exercises (secondary readings and background materials will be provided on the project webpage:

Everyone is most welcome to attend!

MoL students who want to subscribe to the project (and take it for credits) should write an email to Sonja Smets,

We hope to see you in June,

The LogiCIC team