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Latin reading groups

Thursday afternoon group

This group is reading the Obligationes Parisiensis, found in Vivarium vol. 13, no. 1 (1975), which is accessible online. Upcoming meetings are:

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Friday morning group

This group is looking at the anonymous text De modo predicandi ac sylogizandi in divinis, concerning modal logic and paralogisms of the trinity. You can either photocopy my copy, or its available in the book Meaning and inference in medieval philosophy: studies in memory of Jan Pinborg in the UB library. We will be starting this semester at paragraph 25. Here are the upcoming meetings and where they will be held:

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Here are links to electronic versions of some of the texts which are quoted in this source:


You can find buildings A and B in this map. Building P is the Euclides building.

Useful online resources

Reading group mailing list.

Sara's favorite, Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary, complete with a Word Study Tool for searching inflected forms.

Online course in medieval Latin, found by Miguel.

Latin-English Dictionary Program, suggested by Jaap.