Friday 21 March 2025,
- 17:30
Title: Making sense of mental retraction
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 7 February 2025,
- 12:30
Title: The Shifting Sands of Meaning: How Quantifier Interpretation Varies (Joint with Nihil)
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Thursday 6 February 2025,
- 18:00
Title: The interplay between language and reasoning. (Joint talk with CLS, LiRA and NihiL)
Location: LAB42, Room L0.06
Friday 31 January 2025,
- 17:30
Title: Inclusion and exclusion in team semantics (joint with NihiL)
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 17 January 2025,
- 17:30
Title: Do learning biases explain the typology of negation? Insights from Artificial Language Learning
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 6 December 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Constructivism: Views from Relevance Logic
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 22 November 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Early communication and the evolution of speech acts
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 15 November 2024,
- 17:30
Title: The granularity of inquisitive and truthmaker content
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Thursday 24 October 2024,
- 18:00
Title: Reinforcement Learning as Meta-induction (joined talk with LIRa)
Location: Room F 3.20, 107 Science Park, Amsterdam
Friday 4 October 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Dream discourse
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 14 June 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Frege's Logic: From Begriffsschrift to Grundgesetze
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Wednesday 5 June 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Logicality and exhaustification: Towards an explanatory account of meaning-based distributional constraints
Location: Room L1.17 at LAB 42
Friday 19 April 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Asserting untrue alternatives
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Tuesday 19 March 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Free Choice With Arbitrary Objects (joint talk with the NihiL Seminar)
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 23 February 2024,
- 17:30
Title: What are presuppositions?
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 16 February 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Preserving suspension of judgement
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 2 February 2024,
- 16:10
Title: Semantic Foundations of Polarity Tagging
Location: Room 0.01, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48 and on Zoom.
Monday 22 January 2024,
- 15:30
Title: Common Ground as an Idealization
Location: Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 19 January 2024,
- 17:30
Title: Linking Language acquisition, evolution, and diversity: How social and cognitive pressures shape learning and communication
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 17 November 2023,
- 17:30
Title: How to Undo Things with Words
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 3 November 2023,
- 17:30
Title: From language development to language evolution: a unified view of human lexical creativity
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 6 October 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Conversational dynamics of Russian questions with "razve" and the typology of question bias.
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 26 May 2023,
- 17:30
Title: -
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 12 May 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Truth, becoming, and other values
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room) and online
Friday 14 April 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Asserting Epistemic Modals
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 24 March 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Present tense: challenges for a semantic account
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 17 March 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Question-Directed Propositions and the Problems of Logical Omniscience
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 24 February 2023,
- 17:30
Title: Syntactic Alternative Projection
Location: Online
Friday 18 November 2022,
- 16:30
Title: A plea for fictional events
Location: Virtually on Zoom
Friday 4 November 2022,
- 16:30
Title: On Paraconsistency: Conservative and Revisionary Approaches
Location: SP107 F1.15 (ILLC Seminar Room)
Friday 20 May 2022,
- 17:30
Title: To be announced
Location: ILLC, UvA
Friday 29 April 2022,
- 17:30
Title: Abstraction and Grounding
Location: ILLC, UvA
Friday 22 April 2022,
- 17:30
Title: Non-finite Verbal Forms and Natural Language Ontology
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15 and online
Wednesday 13 April 2022,
- 15:30
Title: Vagueness, valence and pragmatic reasoning: Novel challenges for the Semantics/Pragmatics-Interface
Location: Online, via Zoom
Wednesday 16 March 2022,
- 15:30
Title: Communicative stability and the typology of logical operators
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 21 January 2022,
- 17:30
Title: Revisiting the attributive-referential distinction with gesture semantics
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 17 December 2021,
- 17:30
Title: Topics in conjunctions are conditional
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 29 October 2021,
- 17:30
Title: Mindreading, Simulation, and Interpretation
Location: Online
Friday 8 October 2021,
- 17:30
Title: From Item to System: modelling the evolution of compositional and combinatorial structure in emerging sign languages
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 18 June 2021,
- 11:30
Title: A Semantic Theory of Redundancy
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 11 June 2021,
- 17:30
Title: A compositional account of Japanese ka in Inquisitive Semantics
Location: Online
Friday 4 June 2021,
- 17:30
Title: Topics in conjunction are conditional
Friday 9 April 2021,
- 18:00
Title: Measuring Conventionality
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 19 March 2021,
- 17:30
Title: The Origins of Language: Evidence from Nicaraguan Sign Language
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 5 March 2021,
- 17:30
Title: Witnesses
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 18 December 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Complexity/informativeness trade-off in the domain of Boolean connectives
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 20 November 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Bad Concepts, Bilateral Contents
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 16 October 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Sensitivity to language-specific and globally-accessible cues in conversational turn prediction
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 18 September 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Experimental investigations into the learnability of person systems
Location: Online, via Zoom
Friday 1 May 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Causal dependence in ability and actuality
Location: Online, via Zoom
Wednesday 18 March 2020,
- 17:30
Title: [DIP talk] Contextualism and Definable Conditionals
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Wednesday 11 March 2020,
- 17:30
Title: [DiP/LoC Talk] Now we know what not to think
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15
Tuesday 10 March 2020,
- 17:30
Title: [DiP / EXPRESS Talk] Inquisitive Semantics and Indeterminacy
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15
Tuesday 4 February 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Lockean Belief, Dutch Books, and Scoring Systems
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15
Friday 17 January 2020,
- 17:30
Title: Kant's Cognitive Architecture
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 13 December 2019,
- 17:30
Title: TBA
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15, Science Park 107
Friday 8 November 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Dynamic Predication
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, Ff1.15, Science Park 107
Friday 18 October 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Vagueness and competition in the understanding of spatial propositions
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15 Science Park 107
Friday 28 June 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Mind the Gap! The Space between Coincidence and Colocation
Location: F1.15 @ ILLC
Friday 14 June 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Beliefs, Desires and Descriptions
Location: F1.15 @ ILLC
Friday 24 May 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Anatomy of Arguments in Natural Language Discourse
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 26 April 2019,
- 17:30
Title: De Jure Codesignation
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 5 April 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Restriction without quantification: embedding and probability for indicative conditionals
Location: F2.19 @ ILLC
Thursday 14 March 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Formalization and Prediction in Theoretical Syntax
Location: F2.19 @ ILLC
Friday 22 February 2019,
- 17:30
Title: Homogeneity or implicature: an experimental approach
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 23 November 2018,
- 17:30
Title: The Social Epistemology of Argumentation
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 9 November 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Meaning Transfer Revisited
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Monday 8 October 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Confronting Existential Angst
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Thursday 4 October 2018,
- 12:30
Title: Where Do Semantic Domains Come From
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 22 June 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Interpreting Dependent NPs
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Thursday 14 June 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Binding, Compositionality, and Semantic Values (joint work with Jeffrey C. King)
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 18 May 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Abstraction Principles: Freedom, Arrogance and Presuppositions
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Monday 14 May 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Computational and cognitive complexity in mathematical problem solving
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 13 April 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Classical Propositions and Switcher Semantics
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 6 April 2018,
- 17:30
Title: The Semantics of Action and Comparison in Infinitives and Subjunctives
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 16 March 2018,
- 17:30
Title: A Reconstruction of Ex Falso Quodlibet via Quasi-Multiple-Conclusion Natural Deduction
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 9 February 2018,
- 17:30
Title: Varieties of Logical Consequence and Suszko's Problem
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Thursday 25 January 2018,
- 17:30
Title: A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word-order correlations
Location: KdVI seminar room F3.20
Friday 17 November 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Intensional Paradoxes and the Maxim of Maximal Recapture
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 27 October 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Mathematical Cognition, a Case of Enculturation: Redux
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F3.20
Friday 6 October 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Speech act pluralism: homeomerous or radical?
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 8 September 2017,
- 17:30
Title: The Significance of Missed Clue Cases
Location: ILLc seminar room, F1.15
Friday 23 June 2017,
- 18:00
Title: A Semiotic Epistemology for Conceptual Engineering
Location: ILLC common room
Friday 23 June 2017,
- 17:00
Title: Unreliability and Parochialism
Location: ILLC common room
Friday 12 May 2017,
- 17:30
Title: The Quantified Argument Calculus
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 21 April 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Indicative conditionals and paradoxes of classical logic
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Thursday 6 April 2017,
- 15:00
Title: On 'Zero' (joint work with Rick Nouwen)
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 31 March 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Fragmentalism: its Motivation and its Logic
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Monday 27 March 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Experimenting with (conditional) perfection
Location: BG2.008, Turfdraagsterpad 15-17
Friday 17 March 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Composing complex questions: Multi-wh questions and questions with quantifiers
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Tuesday 7 March 2017,
- 17:30
Title: Meaning: between truth and proof
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Tuesday 7 March 2017,
- 15:45
Title: Proof identity, invariants and hyperintensionality
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Friday 3 February 2017,
- 17:30
Title: An Evidence-based logic of Acceptance and Rejection
Location: ILLC seminar room, F1.15
Thursday 26 January 2017,
- 17:30
Title: The logic of interrogative clause embedding
Location: ILLC, F3.20
Thursday 8 December 2016,
- 17:00
Title: Three Grades of Variable Involvement in Natural Language
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 2 December 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Meta-Internalism, Semantics, and Ontologese
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 18 November 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Objective Oughts and a Puzzle about Futurity
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 28 October 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Since since again
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 14 October 2016,
- 17:30
Title: 'The X' Files: Deriving familiarity conditions on definites from uniqueness
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 23 September 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Comparing non-reductive theories of question-embedding
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 9 September 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Ryle’s ‘Intellectualist Legend’ in Historical Context
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 27 May 2016,
- 17:30
Title: The expressive function of truth
Location: F1.15
Friday 13 May 2016,
- 17:30
Title: A critique of act theories of propositions and predication
Location: AUC room 1.02
Friday 15 April 2016,
- 17:30
Title: The interpretation of declaratives and interrogatives: How semantics and conventions of use divide labor
Location: F1.15
Friday 11 March 2016,
- 17:30
Title: Identity's Fundamentality, Once Again
Location: F1.15
Friday 19 February 2016,
- 17:30
Title: There are No Positive Universally Held Contingent Properties
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Tuesday 15 December 2015,
- 15:30
Title: Logical and Rhetorical complexity in classical Latin versus classical Chinese
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 11 December 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Deflationary Pluralism
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 20 November 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Resistance & Resolution
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 30 October 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Expectations and thresholds: optimal lexical entries for vague expressions
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 23 October 2015,
- 17:30
Title: From Dual-Intuitionistic to Adaptive Nelson Logic
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 16 October 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Outlook-based semantics
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 25 September 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Kripke’s Reference and Existence and the problem of surrogate fictional objects.
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 18 September 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Instability and Revenge
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 4 September 2015,
- 17:30
Title: The Origins of Logic
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Monday 15 June 2015,
- 15:00
Title: Issues and Attitudes
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 22 May 2015,
- 17:30
Title: What's so natural about generic extensions?
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 8 May 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Clauses as Predicates of Modal and Attitudinal Objects
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 24 April 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Thinking the Impossible
Location: ILLC Common Room
Friday 17 April 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Exact Truthmaking Logic
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 10 April 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Logicality and Analyticity
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 20 March 2015,
- 17:30
Title: A Calculus for Sweet Sixteen
Location: Amsterdam University College, Room 1.02
Friday 13 February 2015,
- 17:30
Title: Constructive Adpositional Grammars, Formally
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 16 January 2015,
- 17:30
Title: The interaction of compositional semantics and event semantics
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15
Friday 12 December 2014,
- 17:30
Title: What are the chances?
Location: ILLC Seminar room, F1.15
Friday 7 November 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Giving Falsity Its Due
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 24 October 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Dummett vs. Brouwer
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 17 October 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Natural language formalization meets constructive mathematics
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Thursday 2 October 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Pictorial Discourse Referents, Bridging and Continuous Narrative
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 12 September 2014,
- 17:30
Title: The grey eminences behind meet and join in some natural languages
Location: ILLC Seminar room, F1.15
Friday 12 September 2014,
- 16:00
Title: Wittgenstein and Marx: Autobiography and Criteria of Significance
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 13 June 2014,
- 17:30
Title: The Ingredients of Anankasticity
Location: OMHP, C1.17
Friday 6 June 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Assertoric Force Perspectivalism: Relativism Without Relative Truth
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Monday 2 June 2014,
- 16:30
Title: Effective Communication in Cheap Talk Games
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15
Wednesday 23 April 2014,
- 18:30
Title: Using 'Now' and the Present Tense to Talk about the Past
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 4 April 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Hypothesis testing in adaptive logics
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 28 March 2014,
- 17:30
Title: On the ontological status of semantic values
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 21 March 2014,
- 17:30
Title: A dialogical analysis of structural rules
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 7 February 2014,
- 17:30
Title: The (non)-category of weak/strong necessity
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 17 January 2014,
- 17:30
Title: Man and woman: the last obstacle for boolean coordination
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15
Friday 6 December 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Embedding evidentials across languages
Location: ILLC Seminar Room, F1.15
Friday 29 November 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Monkey Semantics
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 25 October 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Focus in questions
Location: ILLC Meeting Room F1.15
Friday 27 September 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Relativism, Metasemantics, and the Future
Location: Science Park D1.114
Friday 20 September 2013,
- 18:30
Title: Logicist Foundations meet Predicativism
Location: Science Park D1.114
Friday 14 June 2013,
- 15:30
Title: Encoding perspective in semantic theories
Location: Science Park room A1.10
Friday 24 May 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Deictic and Anaphoric Uses of Demonstrative Noun Phrases
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 May 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Extended Frege's Constraint
Location: Room B0.204, Science Park 904, Amsterdam [new location]
Friday 12 April 2013,
- 17:30
Title: That's it, you're grounded!
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 March 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Semantical considerations on experimental logics
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 15 February 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Degrees of Countability: A Mereotopological Approach to the Mass/Count Distinction
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 February 2013,
- 17:30
Title: A pragmatic approach to the phenomenon of presupposition conditionalization
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 January 2013,
- 17:30
Title: Epistemic utility theory: some applications
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 30 November 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Absolute Infinity (joint work with Philip Welch)
Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Friday 9 November 2012,
- 17:30
Title: The incremental interpretation of sentence-internal "same" (joint work with Adrian Brasoveanu)
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 October 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Scalar alternatives
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 September 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Discussions about 'Being' in China in the past twenty years
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 14 September 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Can quotation be made transparent? Taking Compositionality Seriously
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 7 September 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Sentence Scheme:An approach to analysis of language based on Frege
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 June 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Playing with truth
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 11 May 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Towards an Inquisitive Approach to Interrogative Inquiry
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 27 April 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Another lambda-calculus
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 13 April 2012,
- 17:30
Title: The symmetry problem and the symmetry principle
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Thursday 5 April 2012,
- 17:30
Title: Sequent Systems and Defining Rules
Location: Room D1.113, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Friday 9 March 2012,
- 17:30
Title: The psychology and the logic of the syllogism
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 February 2012,
- 17:30
Title: A Theory of Plural Descriptions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 9 December 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Degrees of Cooperativity
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Monday 28 November 2011,
- 15:30
Title: How did they manage before they had the notion of quantifier scope?
Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Friday 25 November 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Revisiting Truth as a Pretense
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 11 November 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Events, Times, Worlds, Roles, Linking, and Variable Management
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 16 September 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Turtle Epistemology
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Wednesday 14 September 2011,
- 15:00
Title: Probabilistic Semantics for Natural Language
Location: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Friday 10 June 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Deliberative Modality under Epistemic Uncertainty
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 27 May 2011,
- 17:30
Title: 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns as Bound Variables
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 13 May 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Modal Superlatives: A Compositional Analysis
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 29 April 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Title TBA
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 15 April 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Perspective taking and the use of referring expressions
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 8 April 2011,
- 17:30
Title: The semantics of indiscernibles
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 April 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Modal indefinites and modal distinctions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 March 2011,
- 17:30
Title: The Value of Common Knowledge: From G.W.F. Hegel to David Lewis
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 4 March 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Persisting individuals and modal logic
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 February 2011,
- 17:30
Title: Empirical constraints on how the mind computes a Ramsey test
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 10 December 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Getting biological about language evolution
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 3 December 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Towards a Saussurean Grammar of Signs: Modeltheoretic Phonology and Hypothetical Reasoning
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 26 November 2010,
- 17:30
Title: The acquisition of relative adjectives: Cognitive and language-specific factors
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 November 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Modelling vagueness: what can we ignore?
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 5 November 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Passed over in Silence - On Wittgenstein's Tractatus and its system
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 8 October 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Accomplishments and complex events
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 October 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Intentional action, normative expectations and the semantics of gradability
Location: Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, 1012 GC, Amsterdam
Friday 17 September 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Is the Ternary R Depraved?
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 10 September 2010,
- 17:30
Title: The Sorites is a Liar
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 May 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Intention in Formal Pragmatics
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 7 May 2010,
- 17:30
Title: "Wittgenstein and Turing"
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 23 April 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Un)conditionals and modals in Inquisitive Semantics
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 16 April 2010,
- 17:30
Title: LF and Natural Logic: The Syntax of Directional Entailing Environments
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 26 March 2010,
- 17:30
Title: The acquisition of reference: a cross-linguistic study
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 March 2010,
- 17:30
Title: In)Compatibility Relations, Operational Semantics, and Test-Failure
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 5 March 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Naturalizing Bayesianism
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 February 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Speech Acts, Semantics, Self Referentiality
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 22 January 2010,
- 17:30
Title: Frame Semantics as Semantics
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 4 December 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Language Evolution in the Lab: from models to experiments in evolutionary linguistics
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 27 November 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Towards a computational account for an expressive conception of norms
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 20 November 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Topics as Speech Acts -- An Analysis of Conditionals
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 6 November 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Vagueness: A Conceptual Spaces Approach
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 9 October 2009,
- 17:30
Title: The Diagrammatical Mind
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 September 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Indexicals, Context-Sensitivity and Implication
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 11 September 2009,
- 17:30
Title: The evolutionary biology of language
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 5 June 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Look again: syntax is no syntax
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 15 May 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Change-Based Indicatory Knowledge And Perceptual Skepticism
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 8 May 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Knowledge, Questions, and More Questions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 24 April 2009,
- 17:10
Title: Logic in Seventeenth-Century Oxford: What did Wallis contribute?
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam.
Friday 3 April 2009,
- 17:30
Title: The Scope of Bare Nominals: evidence from Mandarin and Dutch
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 20 March 2009,
- 17:30
Title: First-Order Tolerant Logics
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 20 February 2009,
- 17:30
Title: Against Assertions
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8
Friday 6 February 2009,
- 17:30
Title: An almost (but not quite) naive theory of comparatives
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8
Friday 5 December 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Theory of mind and bounded rationality without interpretive overhead
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 November 2008,
- 17:30
Title: From free choice inferences to presuppositions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 7 November 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Binary Tense. Why binary?
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 October 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Natural syllogisms / Causal cognition--some philosophical preliminaries
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 3 October 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Polarity phenomena in natural language: Variation, scalarity, and dependent reference
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 26 September 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Semantic transformers and their implementation in fuzzy logic
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 5 September 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Grammatical centering: Tense, mood, and evidentiality
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 13 June 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Presupposition projection -- again
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 30 May 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Modal Indefinites
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 16 May 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Varieties of Quietism
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 9 May 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Scope Ambiguities in Child Language: Resolution and Dissolution
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 25 April 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Low risk quantifiers
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 4 April 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Experiments on the role of the Question Under Discussion for ambiguity resolution and implicature computation in adults
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 14 March 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Pragmatic Inferences in Young Children
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Tuesday 4 March 2008,
- 15:00
Title: Economy and Intermediate Accommodation
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 29 February 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Piggyback pronouns
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 22 February 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Wittgenstein's 'Way of Thinking'
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 15 February 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Reciprocals, the strongest meaning hypothesis, and the excluded middle
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 January 2008,
- 17:30
Title: Supplemental and Numeral Any
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 30 November 2007,
- 17:30
Title: The Influence of Audiovisual Prosody on the Perception and Interpretation of Multimodal Speech
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 16 November 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Intermediate Scope Readings as Embedded Speech Acts
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 19 October 2007,
- 17:30
Title: How children learn language without having a representational theory of mind
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 October 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Asymmetries in grammar
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 September 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Title TBA
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 21 September 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Questions are immediate issues
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 29 June 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Title TBA
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 29 June 2007,
- 17:30
Title: An Afternoon of Raising Issues and Answering Questions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 8 June 2007,
- 17:30
Title: A guide to <, >, ≤, and ≥ in natural language
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 25 May 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Multiple Coordination - Recursion and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 11 May 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Almost - A Theory
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 27 April 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Focus in German Noun Phrases
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 13 April 2007,
- 17:30
Title: The predicative analysis for PP resultatives revisited
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 30 March 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Semantics of Individual-Denoting Classifiers and Its Consequences
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 16 March 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Rhetorical Questions
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 2 March 2007,
- 17:30
Title: Finding the Right Words - Implementing Optimality Theory with Simulated Annealing
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 15 December 2006,
- 17:30
Title: What mayors, strikers and bodyguards might tell us about individual concepts
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 December 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Statistical Information in the Linguistic Input to Infants: a Cross-linguistic Corpus Study
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 November 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Doing discourse relations by topics and implicatures
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 3 November 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Knowledge and Certainty
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 20 October 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Hyperintensionality in the Theory of Types
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 6 October 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Information structure in DRT and CCG
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 30 June 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Epistemic Modality and Quantifier Scope
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 23 June 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Propositional content, pre-semantic binding and the Pragmatics/Semantics interface
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 9 June 2006,
- 17:30
Title: The Invention of 'Secondary Qualities'. How Philosophical Pictures May Shape Abstract Reflection
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 2 June 2006,
- 17:30
Title: The Elusive Logic of Action
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 12 May 2006,
- 17:30
Title: The Imperfect and Aorist in Ancient Greek
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 April 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Expressive Power and Complexity of Underspecified Representations
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 21 April 2006,
- 17:30
Title: The trouble with perceptual categories: studying colour categories with computational models
Location: Room 420, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 24 March 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Representing Content and Meaning in Discourse
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 3 February 2006,
- 17:30
Title: Learning how to make most of many: quantification and mutual knowledge in children.
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 2 December 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Possible Worlds, Proper Names, and Necessity
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 18 November 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Productivity, Polysemy, and Predicate Indexicality
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 21 October 2005,
- 17:00
Title: Intersubjectivity in grammatical meaning
Location: Room 101, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 9 September 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Terms in Bondage
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 June 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Not knowing or caring who
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Thursday 2 June 2005,
- 11:30
Title: Principles and Constraints in SDRT
Location: Room 221, BG5 (Binnengasthuis 5, above Atrium), Amsterdam
Friday 22 April 2005,
- 18:30
Title: Iterated Learning and the Origins of Linguistic Structure
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 15 April 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Logics for Games
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 1 April 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Achievements: Experimental studies and semantic analysis
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Thursday 24 March 2005,
- 16:00
Title: First-Order Inferences and Neural Networks
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Monday 14 March 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Temporal Reference in and outside of Attitudinal Contexts
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 11 March 2005,
- 12:00
Title: Interpretative ambiguity and children - resolving the paradox of the acquisition of focus
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 11 February 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Indexicals and Direct Reference: Against the Received View
Location: room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 January 2005,
- 17:30
Title: Judgment and Decision with Multiple Criteria: A Research Program at the Intersection of Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, and Jurisprudence
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 14 January 2005,
- 17:30
Title: The Adequacy Thesis and minimalist explanations of truth
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Tuesday 21 December 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Bisimulation versus Epistemic Equivalence
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 10 December 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Language, Evolution & the Theory of Games
Location: Room D118c, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8
Friday 19 November 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Embodied cognition: Opportunities and problems
Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam
Wednesday 27 October 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Quantifiers and Scope in Pregroup Grammar
Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8
Friday 15 October 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Bias & the Optimization of Grammar
Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam
Friday 24 September 2004,
- 17:30
Title: De se vs de re belief reports under quantification
Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam
Friday 10 September 2004,
- 17:30
Title: How strong is the Strongest Meaning Hypothesis?
Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam
Friday 25 June 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Bi-polar domain restriction in adverbial quantification
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 25 June 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Title TBA
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Wednesday 9 June 2004,
- 18:00
Title: Domain Widening and its implicatures. A new look at negative polarity vs. free choice and the grammar/pragmatics interface
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Wednesday 9 June 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Domain Widening and its implicatures: A new look at negative polarity vs. free choice and the grammar/pragmatics interface
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 4 June 2004,
- 17:30
Title: A new look at the semantics/pragmatics of contrastive topics in Hungarian
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 14 May 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Optimal accentuation
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 23 April 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Marking and interpretation of negation: a bi-directional OT approach
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 16 April 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Focus in Interrogatives
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 2 April 2004,
- 17:30
Title: An Aspectual Classification of Polish Verbs
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 19 March 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Costly signaling conversations in the electronic mail game
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 12 March 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Pronoun Resolution in Optimality Theory
Location: MFR (Room 001), Philosophy Department, Nw. Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 13 February 2004,
- 17:30
Title: The Simplest theory of Interrogative Meaning
Location: Koffiehuis KHL, Oostelijke Handelskade 44, Amsterdam
Friday 30 January 2004,
- 17:30
Title: Particles in Questions
Location: MFR (Room 001), Philosophy Department, Nw. Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 9 January 2004,
- 17:30
Title: A feature-based characterisation of discourse markers for shallow NLP
Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 12 December 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Why are there names?
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 5 December 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Theoretical and empirical aspects of language complexity
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 14 November 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Requirements for licensing n-words
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Wednesday 5 November 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Statistical and Intensional Probability
Location: Room 107, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 24 October 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Tense and evidentiality in nominals
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 17 October 2003,
- 17:30
Title: A Syntax Approach to Discourse Semantics
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 10 October 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Entertaining alternatives: disjunctions as modals
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 26 September 2003,
- 17:30
Title: The function of melodic elements in Dutch task-oriented dialogue
Location: Room D 118d, Oudemanhuispoort, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Monday 1 September 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Dynamic Doxastic Logic for Defeasible Belief Revision
Location: Room 207B, Oude Turfmarkt 129, Amsterdam
Friday 4 July 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Subjective Consciousness
Location: Room 401, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 27 June 2003
Title: Title TBA
Friday 13 June 2003,
- 17:30
Title: The information structural basis of wide scope phenomena
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 6 June 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Dependent Pronouns and Dynamic Distributive Quantification
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 16 May 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Indexing time. How discrete are we?
Location: Room 015, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 11 April 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Left/right contrasts among English temporal adverbials
Location: Room 001 or 107, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 28 March 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Rhythm and timing: a cognitive approach
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 14 March 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Information structure in discourse/dialogue
Location: Room 001,
Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 14 February 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Computing scalar implicatures : local or global?
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Thursday 13 February 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Lifelong Discourse Representation Structures
Location: Room 015, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 31 January 2003,
- 17:30
Title: On the universality of paralinguistic meanings of intonation
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Friday 17 January 2003,
- 17:30
Title: Logics of Conversation
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
Thursday 12 December 2002,
- 14:30
Title: On Part-Whole Relations between Abstract Objects
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 15 November 2002,
- 17:30
Title: On the force of v2-declaratives and modal subordination
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 8 November 2002,
- 17:30
Title: Questions and Information Structure
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 1 November 2002,
- 17:30
Title: Learning, evolution, and functional optimality theory
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 4 October 2002,
- 17:30
Title: A computational perspective on displacement phenomena
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 20 September 2002,
- 17:30
Title: Pragmatic aspects of evidentiality
Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 28 June 2002,
- 17:00
Title: An evolutionary framework for understanding language (change)
Location: Room 004, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 14 June 2002,
- 17:00
Title: A compositional analysis of anti-quantifiers as quantifiers
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 31 May 2002,
- 17:00
Title: How Subordination Emerges from Discourse: The Case of Concessive Conditionals ... Revisited
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 17 May 2002,
- 17:00
Title: Constructing Invisible Bridges
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 3 May 2002,
- 17:00
Title: Varieties of Indefinites
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Tuesday 26 March 2002,
- 13:00
Title: Sandhi in syntax: scope of "already" and negation in Russian
Location: Oost-Europa Instituut, room 161, Vendelstraat 7, Amsterdam
Friday 22 March 2002,
- 17:00
Title: Events constructed automata-theoretically
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 8 March 2002,
- 17:00
Title: NL Disjunction
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 22 February 2002,
- 17:00
Title: A gap to be bridged?
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 8 February 2002,
- 16:15
Title: Gradual learning and acquisition of constraint ranking
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 25 January 2002,
- 17:00
Title: Cheap and expensive focus computations
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 11 January 2002,
- 15:30
Title: Communicative Failure in Human-Computer Conversation
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 30 November 2001,
- 17:00
Title: The role of modal particles in utterance illocution and context update
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat
15, Amsterdam
Friday 16 November 2001,
- 17:00
Title: Indefiniteness and the type of sets
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam
Friday 9 November 2001,
- 16:30
Title: Lexical Representations and the Nature of the Dative Alternation
Location: Room 420, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Friday 2 November 2001,
- 17:00
Title: Practical Reasoning, Indexicals and Dynamic Intentions
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat
15, Amsterdam
Friday 19 October 2001,
- 17:00
Title: A non-incremental algorithm for generating definite descriptions
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat
15, Amsterdam
Friday 5 October 2001,
- 17:00
Title: What was Wittgensteins's Overall Intellectual Project?
Location: Room 107, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam