Meeting on Kripke models and Categorical Foundations of Intuitionistic logicOn September 6, 2013, the Heyting Foundation organizes a meeting that commemorates the year 1963, which is considered the birth, both of Kripke Models and of the Categorical Foundations of intuitionistic logic. Kripke published his basic articles on the semantic analysis of modal logic in 1963, and the same year Lawvere finished his PhD thesis introducing the category of categories. This occasion deserves two Heyting Lectures in the year 2013: both Kripke Models and Category Theory have had innumerably many applications in logic, mathematics and other fields since then, but their particular impact on intuitionistic logic has been immense. The Heyting lecture of Ieke Moerdijk will be concerned with Categorical Foundations, and Johan van Benthem’s Heyting lecture with Kripke Models. These two speakers will be joined by Benno van den Berg, Bob Lubarsky and Dick de Jongh.
Important Information Time and date: The workshops starts at 09.45 on 6 September 2013. Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam. Registration: Attendance is free of charge Contact: |