Meaning, Context, and Non-Doxastic Attitudes special issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15(4), December 2024,
containing contributions from the Sixth PLM conference in Warszawa, including:
- Robyn Carston Words and roots -- polysemy and allosemy -- communication and language
- Alice Damirjian A puzzle about mental lexicons and semantic relatedness
- Michelle Liu How to think about zeugmatic oddness
- Agustín Vicente, Christian Michel and Valentina Petrolini Literalism in autistic people: a predictive processing proposal
- Grzegorz Gaszczyk The Informativeness Norm of Assertion
- Andreas Stokke Spatial Indexicals
- Wojciech Rostworowski, Katarzyna Ku&\sacute; and Bartosz Ma&\cacute;kiewicz Non-doxastic attitude reports, information structure, and semantic-pragmatic interface
- Sanja Srećkovi&\cacute; Transitive inference over affective representations in non-human animals
Belief, Introspection, and Constituted Kinds special issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13(1), March 2022,
containing contributions from the Fifth PLM conference in St Andrews, including:
- Manuel García-Carpintero How to understand rule-constituted kinds
- Maja Spener Naive introspection in the philosophy of perception
- Eugenia Lancellotta Is the biological adaptiveness of delusions doomed?
- Giovanni Merlo Self-knowledge and the paradox of belief revision
- Krzysztof Poslajko How to Think about the debate over the reality of beliefs
- J. P. Grodniewicz The justification of comprehension-based beliefs
Key Topics in Philosophy of Language and Mind special issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8(4), December 2017,
containing contributions from the Third PLM conference in Oslo, including:
- Peter Brössel Rational relations between perception and belief: the case of color
- Herman Cappelen Why philosophers shouldn't do semantics
- Christopher Gauker Three kinds of nonconceptual seeing-as
- Kathrin Glüer-Pagin Talking about looks
- Nat Hansen Color comparisons and interpersonal variation
- Peter Pagin Constructing the world and locating oneself
Trends in Philosophy of Language and Mind special issue of Synthese 195(8), August 2016,
containing contributions from the Second PLM conference in Budapest, including:
- Maria Alvarez Reasons for action, acting for reasons, and rationality
- Manuel García-Carpintero De se thoughts and immunity to error through misidentification
- Teresa Marques Retractions
- Martine Nida-Rümelin The experience property frame work: a misleading paradigm
- Josefa Toribio Visual experience: rich but impenetrable
Philosophy of Language and Mind special issue of Synthese 190(10), July 2013,
containing contributions from the First PLM conference in Stockholm, including:
- Craig French Perceptual experience and seeing that
p - Peter Fritz A logic for epistemic two-dimensional semantics
- Nat Hansen A slugfest of intuitions: contextualism and experimental design
- Marie Guillot The limits of selflessness: semantic relativism and the epistemology of de se thoughts
- Elisabeth Pacherie Intentional joint agency: shared intention lite
- François Recanati Perceptual concepts: in defence of the indexical model
- Craig French Perceptual experience and seeing that