On September 13, Nina Gierasimczuk will give a LIRa talk. Everyone is cordially invited!
Speaker: Nina Gierasimczuk (ILLC)
Title: Using Proof Theory to Explain Children Performance in Deductive Games
Room: Science Park, G0.05.
Time: Thursday, 13. September, 15:30-17:30
Abstract: The talk is about analyzing logical reasoning in a deductive version of the Mastermind game implemented within the Dutch `Math Garden’ educational system. The main goal is to derive predictions about the cognitive difficulty of game-plays, e.g., the number of steps needed for solving the logical tasks or the working memory load. The model is based on the analytic tableaux method, known from proof theory. I will associate the difficulty of the Deductive Mastermind game-items with the size of the corresponding logical tree derived by the tableaux method. I will discuss possible empirical hypotheses based on this model, and preliminary results that prove the relevance of the theory. This is a joint work with Han van der Maas and Maartje Raijmakers from Psychology Department, University of Amsterdam.