
LogiCIC/LIRa session: Branden Fitelson

Speaker: Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University, Boston)

Date and Time: Monday, September 19th 2016, 11:00-12:30

Venue: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107.

Title: Two New(ish) Triviality Results for Indicative Conditionals.

Abstract: I will do two things in this talk: (1) present an axiomatic generalization of Gibbard’s (logical) triviality result for indicative conditionals, and (2) present an algebraic strengthening of Lewis’s (probabilistic) triviality result for indicative conditionals. Both results start from a very weak background theory (either logical or probabilistic) of the indicative conditional, and (relative to these weak backgrounds) both results will rely only on the so-called Import-Export Law. So, these results can be viewed as (general, and strong) “odd consequences” of Import-Export.