
LIRA session: Yanjing Wang

On Friday September 4th 2015, we will have a LIRa session with Yanjing Wang.

Everyone is cordially invited!

Speaker: Yanjing Wang (Department of Philosophy, Peking University)

Date and Time: Friday, September 4th 2015, 16:00-17:30
Venue: Room B1.25, Science Park 904

Title: Beyond “knowing that”: non-standard epistemic logics

Abstract. In this talk I survey our recent line of work on non-standard epistemic logics of “knowing whether”, “knowing what”, and “knowing how”. These modal logics are non-normal yet behave well in the sense that they are usually decidable fragments of first-order or second-order modal logic. In this talk, we will focus on the axiomatizations and expressive power of these logics.

For more information see the ESSLLI course page on this topic:

The core papers can be found here: