
LIRa Session: Enkhbold Nyamsuren


On FRIDAY, October 31, we will have a LIRa session with Enkhbold Nyamsuren.

Everyone is cordially invited!

Speaker: Enkhbold Nyamsuren (University of Amsterdam)
Date and Time: FRIDAY, October 31, 2014, 14:30-16:00
Venue: Science Park 107, Room F1.15

Title: Are you smarter than your inner child?
Abstract: In domains of human decision-making and reasoning, the role of subconscious processes is significantly underestimated. It is despite a significant body of research showing that implicit processes have the capacity of processing information at a level of semantics commonly attributed to top-down conscious processes. Such processing power is beyond the assumed capabilities (associative reasoning) of the System 1 proposed in dual processing theory. Furthermore, a rigid division into two separate systems fails to explain how implicit and explicit processes interact and cooperate even in simplest problem-solving tasks. If System 1 has at least some capability for rule-based reasoning then boundaries between two systems become blurred and unclear. Perhaps, there may not be two separate systems such as System 1 and System 2. Instead, a single reasoning system may operate directly on knowledge forms at both top-down and bottom-up layers. An assumption of a single system is advantageous because it does not require an explicit explanation of how subconscious and conscious processes interact. Such interaction should organically emerge from the structure of the system and a task at hand. In the talk, I will further discuss tentative steps of building such system within the framework of ACT-R cognitive architecture.