
LIRa session: Audrey Yap

On January 17, we will have a we will have a LIRa session with Audrey Yap.

Everyone is cordially invited!

Speaker: Audrey Yap (University of Victoria)
Title: Time and Dynamics in Epistemic Logic
Date and Time: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 15:30-17:30
Venue: Science Park 904, Room C1.112

Abstract: Epistemic Temporal Logic (ETL) and Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) are both systems that can represent agents’ beliefs over time, or as events take place. Several people have shown that the two frameworks can be connected by producing ETL models dynamically. However, it turns out that the addition of dynamics to a logic with an explicit representation of time such as ETL raises several key modeling questions. These questions and their potential answers provide important conceptual background to work that we have done in developing a system of Dynamic Epistemic Temporal Logic.