
Seminar Session on November 30

Tuesday, November 30th at 16:00 hrs we will have another session of our seminar: Gillman Payette (University of Calgary) will present his work entitled Some thoughts on AGM as the basis for a Dynamic Norm Logic with the abstract given below.

The meeting will take place in room D1.110 in Science Park 904.


A lot of work has been done in the area of developing dynamic logics that
allow one to represent belief change processes. Some of these follow the
AGM paradigm very closely, only diverging to handle problems of iterated
revision. But one of the intended applications of AGM was to the revision
of normative systems. I will discuss the appropriateness of AGM in the
context of norm revision, and a particular conversion or reinterpretation
of a dynamic doxastic logic into a dynamic norm logic.