
Talk on Tuesday April 21th – Bringing Logic to the Lab

This Tuesday 21st of April at 15:00 we will have a talk in our seminar’s sessions. This time, Marian Counihan will give a brief presentation on “Bringing Logic to the Lab” (abstract follows). After the talk (and before the Logic Tea), further discussions about the topic and other dynamic business can take place with some drinks!

The meeting will take place in room 1.14 of the P building (Euclides).


In this presentation I’ll give a brief introduction to my postdoc project which will investigate the development of children’s reasoning strategies in the context of games. We plan to use games like the centipede game, which have been extensively analyzed by game theorists and logicians. Our aim is to make use of some of this formal work for design and prediction in empirical research. This is where the challenge lies: how to bring logic to the lab? I will sketch some general challenges for logicians interested in empirical work, and give examples from previous research. Any ILLC-ers who are interested in the interface of logic with empirical work in fields such as cognitive science, game theory, linguistics etc, are very welcome to come and give their feedback. On the back of this talk we hope to initiate a reading group, aimed at establishing a longer-term exchange of ideas and development of expertise in this area.