
Double session on Thursday September 24th


This Thursday 24th of September at 15:00 hrs we will have a double session in our seminar’s meeting. First, Andreas Witzel will talk about “Common Knowledge in Interaction Structures” (abstract below); then, Jonathan Zvesper will give a presentation, with the subject to be announced soon.

After the talk, further discussions can take place with some drinks!

The place of the meeting will be announced soon.

Abstract – Common Knowledge in Interaction Structures

We consider two simple variants of a framework for reasoning about knowledge amongst communicating groups of players. Our goal is to clarify the resulting epistemic issues. In particular, we investigate what is the impact of common knowledge of the underlying hypergraph connecting the players, and under what conditions common knowledge distributes over disjunction. We also obtain two versions of the classic result that common knowledge cannot be achieved in the absence of a simultaneous event (here a message sent to the whole group).