LIRa session (online-only): Roberto Giuntini (Cancelled)

This talk has been cancelled.

Speaker: Roberto Giuntini (University of Cagliari, Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare “B. Segre”, Accademia dei Lincei)

Date and Time: Thursday, March 26th 2020, 16:30-18:00


Title: A quantum-like approach to Machine Learning


In this talk we propose a new quantum-like method for the binary classification applied to classical datasets. Inspired by the quantum Helstrom measurement, this approach allows one  to define a new classifier, called Helstrom Quantum Classifier (HQC). This binary classifier (inspired by the concept of distinguishability between quantum states) acts on density matrices—called density patterns—that are the quantum encoding of classical patterns of a dataset. Different forms of quantum encodings will be presented and compared. We will  then contrast the performance of HQC with that of a highly representative set of classical classifiers with respect to different classes of datasets. The  experimental results show that  HQC is  very flexible  and outperforms the other classifiers with respect to many (artificial and real-world) datasets. Finally, we will show that the performance of our classifier is positively correlated to the increase in the number of “quantum copies” of a pattern and the resulting tensor product thereof.