In February 2012, Roberto Guintini (University of Cagliari) will give a 4-part LogiCIC and LiQuID tutorial on The Logics of Quantum Computation: An Introduction. Details on the dates, locations and topics covered are below.
Date: Monday 6, Wednesday 8, Monday 13, Wednesday 15, all in February 2012
Time: 16.00-18.00
Location: D1.112 (Mon 6), D1.115 (Wed 8), A1.14 (Mon 13), D1.114 (Wed 15)
Topics covered:
- Basics of quantum computation
- The need of quantum computation: an overview
- First quantum computations: quantum bits (q-bits), composite quantum
systems (q-registers) and entanglement; mixtures (q-mixes) - Single and multiple quantum (logical) gates: semiclassical and genuine
quantum gates. Toffoli gate, square-root of negation gate and Hadamard
gate - The logic of a universal set of quantum gates
- Quantum computational structures
- Reversible and irreversible classical propositional logic
- The Toffoli and the Hadamard gates as a set of (approximate) universal
set for quantum gates - The algebra of Toffoli and Hadamard gates
- The Toffoli-Hadamard algebras: logico-algebraic properties
- Contrasting Toffoli-Hadamard algebras with product algebras with