From 2016 till 2019, there was a regular seminar in Amsterdam dedicated specifically to inquisitive semantics and closely related topics. Below is a list of talks given in that period.
Since 2020, members of the inquisitive semantics group in Amsterdam co-organise the Meaning, Logic, and Cognition Seminar together with other research groups at the ILLC interested in meaning. The schedule of this seminar is available on the MLC website.
Gennaro Chierchia Dynamic predication
Sunwoo Jeong Varieties of biased questions
Dominique Blok Pragmatic inferences of modified numerals and modals
Jakub Dotlacil Dynamic inquisitive semantics
Wataru Uegaki Issue-sensitive discourse particles and intonational compliance: the case of Japanese ‘ne’ and ‘yo’
Gianluca Grilletti Algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic via choice-free duality
Dean McHugh Negation and alternatives in conditional antecedents
Zhuyoe Zhao What do we know when we ask questions: experimental evidence for contextual inquisitiveness
Jos Tellings Tense and temporal questions in Inquisitive Semantics
Floris Roelofsen NPIs in questions
Gennaro Chierchia Harvard•–

Lucas Champollion NYU•–
Kathryn Davidson Harvard•–

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–
Amir Anvari
Thom van Gessel & Tom Schoonen Inconsistent information states
Erlinde Meertens Generating class in disjunctive questions
Danny Fox
Monday (2pm-4pm)
Marvin Schmitt & Hana Möller Kalpak
Malte Zimmermann
Dora Mihoc An extent-based GQT-style unified implicature account of bare and modified numerals
Alexandre Cremers Polarity sensitivity of question embedding
joint work with Thom van Gessel and Floris Roelofsen
Morwenna Hoeks & Jonathan Pesetsky
different time slot: 12.00 - 14.00
Gianluca Griletti Tackling the completeness problem for InqBQ: techniques and current results
Nadine Theiler Choosing additive particles in wh-questions
Zhuoye Zhao Towards more dynamics of questions: an inquisitive plausibility-urgency model
Jonathan Pesetsky & Saúl Fernández Suppose Epistemic Contradictions Might Just Be Moore Sentences
presentations of Master of Logic students, track language
Floris Roelofsen Some thoughts on NPIs in questions and emotive factives
Jakub Dotlacil Dynamic properties of question words

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–
Erlinde Meertens Konstanz•–
Amir Anvari Paris•–

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–

Andreas Haida Jerusalem•–

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–
Dora Mihoc Harvard•–

Malte Zimmermann Potsdam•–

Liz Coppock Boston University•–

Donka Farkas UC Santa Cruz•–
Danny Fox MIT•–
Floris Roelofsen An inquisitive perspective on hyperintensionality
Gianluca Grilletti An Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game for inquisitive first-order logic
Alexandre Cremers Plurality effects in an exhaustification-based theory of embedded questions
Tamara Dobler An inquisitive approach to occasion-sensitivity
Thom van Gessel Acceptability of interrogatives under be certain
after-summer meeting
Thom van Gessel Quantifiers in Questions
Gianluca Grilletti Disjunction and existence property in inquisitive first-order logic
Nadine Theiler The precondition particle: towards a unified analysis of German denn
Salvador Mascarenhas Exploring the line between reasoning and interpretation
Ivano Ciardelli Counterfactuals: from minimal change to maximal background
Nadine Theiler A semantic account of the selectional restrictions of rogative and anti-rogative verbs
Ivano Ciardelli Breaking de Morgan’s law in counterfactual antecedent + lifting conditionals to inquisitive semantics
Vit Punčochár Inquisitive Relevant Logic
Yimei Xiang Sensitivity to false answers in interpreting questions under attitudes
Jakub Dotlačil Dynamics of questions
Fan Yang Propositional team logics
Alexandre Cremers, Morwenna Hoeks, Grzegorz Lisowski & Jonathan Pesetsky Experimental evidence for semantic accounts of free choice + Ignorance inferences from modified numerals
Liz Coppock On the relation between verbal mood and sentence mood
Giuseppe Greco A multi-type calculus for inquisitive logic
Floris Roelofsen What’s wrong with wonder that and believe whether?
Andrzej Wiśniewski Generalized entailment and inferential erotetic logic

Andrzej Wiśniewski Poznań•–
Clemens Mayr Berlin•–
Yimei Xiang Harvard•–

Vit Puncochar Prague•–

Salvador Mascarenhas Paris•–
Floris Roelofsen Inquisitive live possibility semantics, Part II
Sabine Iatridou Indefinite uses of wh-words
Floris Roelofsen Inquisitive live possibility semantics, Part I
Special session on modified numerals
Gianluca Grilletti First-order inquisitive logic
Thom van Gessel Inquisitive action model logic
Alexandre Cremers practice talk for NELS
joint work with Yimei Xiang
Jakub Dotlacil
Wataru Uegaki The ignorance implication of inquisitive predicates
joint work with Floris Roelofsen
Ivano Ciardelli Questions as information types
Nadine Theiler Truthful resolutions: a new perspective on false-answer sensitivity
Floris Roelofsen Introduction and welcome to new members

Sabine Iatridou MIT•–

Liz Coppock Gothenburg/Uppsala•–