InqBnB1: Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary
– • Amsterdam • Broekerhuis (Leeteinde 16, 1151 AK, Broek in Waterland)
The InqBnB workshop series brings together researchers working on inquisitive semantics and closely related topics.

Justin Bledin Johns Hopkins
Cleo Condoravdi Stanford

Liz Coppock Gothenburg
Regine Eckardt Konstanz

Donka Farkas Santa Cruz
Gisela Grohne Konstanz
Peter Hawke Amsterdam
Kyle Rawlins Johns Hopkins
Paolo Santorio Leeds

Shane Steinert-Threlkeld Amsterdam
Yasutada Sudo London

Malte Willer Chicago
Below the sentence boundary:
- Which operators (connectives, quantifiers, modals, conditionals) generate inquisitiveness?
- How do these operators project the inquisitive content of their arguments?
- How does inquisitive content interact with informative content in compositional semantics?
Beyond the sentence boundary:
- How do conventions of use interact with inquisitive content?
- In which ways is pragmatics sensitive to inquisitive content?
- What kind of discourse anaphora are licensed by inquisitive expressions?
The workshop is hosted by the inquisitive semantics group at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) in Amsterdam.
Scientific programme
The first four days of the workshop there will be talks by invited speakers as well as local participants. Each talk will be followed by comments from another workshop participants. Invited speakers will generally comment on talks by local speakers, and vice versa. Click on the image below to see the scientific programme in detail (this is a preliminary version, changes may still be made).
Social programme
Both on Monday and on Wednesday there will be dinner for all workshop participants at the Broekerhuis (the workshop venue).
On Friday, the last day of the workshop, there will be a boat trip through the countryside, with a high tea in a scenic tea house. The boats leave at 9.30 from Logement Waterland (click to see map) and we’ll be back around 15.00.
Map of workshop venue and accommodations
Getting there
From Schiphol Airport, first take a train to Amsterdam Central Station (CS). Due to planned maintenance there will be fewer trains than usual, but still this should take less than 30 minutes.
From CS take bus 312, 314, 315, or 316, which leave behind the station (the river side). These busses leave very frequently and the trip takes about 15 minutes.
Get off at “Broek in Waterland, Dorp” (except for Cleo, she gets of at “Broek in Waterland, Kruisweg”). You have to push a red button in the bus to make sure the driver stops at the next stop.
From the bus stop, all accommodations are within walking distance. For more precise directions and schedules, follow this link and adjust your departure time.
Public transportation tickets
There is a ticket system for all public transportation (including both trains and buses) in the Netherlands called OV-chipkaart. It costs €7,50 plus whatever you want to put on it. The trip from Schiphol costs about €7, and when you want to visit Amsterdam during the week it costs about €3 each way.
Time | Speaker | Topic | Commentator |
Day 1: Modals | |||
9.30–11.00 | Malte Willer | Free choice failures | Jeroen Groenendijk |
11.00–12.30 | Maria Aloni | Epistemic and deontic modals in state-based semantics | Peter Hawke |
12.30–14.00 | Lunch | ||
14.00–15.30 | Peter Hawke | How to be an expressivist about epistemic modals | Thom van Gessel |
15.30–17.00 | Floris Roelofsen | Inquisitive semantics and live possibilities (afterthought) | Malte Willer |
17.00–20.00 | Drinks and dinner | ||
Day 2: Questions | |||
9.30–11.00 | Donka Farkas | Inquisitive semantics and conventions of use | Regine Eckardt |
11.00–12.30 | Gisela Grohne | Aspect and embedded questions | Alexandre Cremers |
12.30–14.00 | Lunch | ||
14.00–15.30 | Nadine Theiler & Alexandre Cremers | Predicting the distribution of exhaustive readings for know |
Gisela Grohne |
15.30–17.00 | Regine Eckardt | Engaging questions: wohl in German V-end questions | Kyle Rawlins |
Day 3: Quantifiers and dynamics | |||
9.00–10.30 | Liz Coppock & Alexandre Cremers |
Modified numerals | Yasutada Sudo |
10.30–12.00 | Thom van Gessel | Questions and quantifiers | Cleo Condoravdi |
12.00–13.00 | Lunch | ||
13.00–14.30 | Kyle Rawlins | Unary 'or' | Nadine Theiler |
14.45–16.15 | Jakub Dotlacil | Questions in inquisitive dynamic semantics | Paolo Santorio |
16.30–18.00 | Yasutada Sudo | Presupposition and redundancy | Jakub Dotlacil |
18.00–20.00 | Dinner | ||
Day 4: Conditionals | |||
9.30–11.00 | Paolo Santorio | Conditional information | Maria Aloni |
11.00–12.30 | Ivano Ciardelli | Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals | Justin Bledin |
12.30–14.00 | Lunch | ||
14.00–15.30 | Justin Bledin | What ifs | Ivano Ciardelli |
15.30–17.00 | Cleo Condoravdi | Imperatives and strength of endorsement | Donka Farkas |
Day 5: Discussion | |||
9.30–15.00 | Boat trip with lunch |
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, VIDI Grant) and the European Research Council (ERC, Starting Grant SH:680220).