QISS launch event at Quantum Meets
On Tuesday 11 June 2024 in collaboration with our partners Quantum Delta NL, NWO, TNO and ECP we organized our official QISS research launch event Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity: Cryptocalypse or Overhype? This event took place during Quantum Meets ’24, a free three-day event in the KIT Institute Amsterdam, connecting quantum researchers, businesses, end-users, and policymakers. The QISS research group had organized an exciting afternoon session, focusing on the impact of quantum computing on cybersecurity and the society wide transition it calls for.
There were presentations and a round table discussion with our invited international experts from academia, government, and the private sector: Bart Groothuis (member European Parliament), prof. Michele Mosca (U. of Waterloo), Anita Wehmann (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations), Jaya Baloo (CSO - Senior Vice President, Rapid7), dr. Itan Barmes (Deloitte), prof. Christian Schaffner (UvA and QuSoft), and mr. Ot van Daalen (UvA). After the stimulating discussion, participants took part in an interactive and explorative session for a quantum-safe society. We ended our launch with some celebratory drinks.