
Here we keep an archive of previous events. Unless otherwise mentioned all sessions took place in Amsterdam (or online).

There are no events in the year 2025.


February 1stJoint NihiL and LIRa session: Hannes Leitgeb
February 8thLIRa-related event: Workshop on Formal Models of Social Networks & Democracy (Groningen)
February 15thLIRa session: Larry Moss
February 22ndLIRa session: Chenwei Shi
March 7thLIRa session: Cat Saint-Croix
March 21stLIRa session: Daniel Greco
March 27thLIRa session: Tim French
April 11thLIRa session: Alexandru Baltag
April 18thLIRa session: Hans van Ditmarsch
May 16thLIRa session: Francisca Silva
May 30thLIRa Session: Adam Bjorndahl
June 17thVvL Logic at Large Lecture 2024: Larry Moss
August 15thJoint NihiL/LIRa session: Yanjing Wang
September 5thLIRa session: Caleb Schultz Kisby
September 19thLIRa session: Rebecca Reiffenhäuser
October 3rdLIRa session: Giuliano Rosella
October 17thLIRa session: Mina Young Pedersen
October 24thJoint LIRa and DIP session: Igor Douven
October 31stLIRa session: Igor Sedlár
November 14thProtest against education budget cuts
November 21stLIRa session: Johan van Benthem
November 25thLIRa related event: PhD defense Daira Pinto Prieto + workshop on aggregation methods, uncertainty, and learning
November 28thLIRa session: Fernando Raymundo Velázquez-Quesada
December 5thLIRa session: Balder ten Cate
December 13thAnnual VvL Seminar 2024


February 2ndLIRa session: Jialiang Yan
February 16thLIRa session: Jos Baeten
February 23rdLIRa session: Søren Knudstorp
March 9thJoint LLAMA and LIRa session: Johan van Benthem and Nick Bezhanishvili
March 16thLIRa session: Vlasta Sikimić
March 30thLIRa session: Hykel Hosni
April 6thLIRa session: Emiliano Lorini
April 20thJoint LLAMA and LIRa session: Ekaterina Kubyshkina & Mattia Petrolo
April 26thLIRa session: Jon Williamson
May 16thLIRa-related event: Reasoning about Responsible Agency in AI
May 25thLIRa session: Niccolò Rossi
June 8thLIRa session: Jan Rooduijn
June 15thLIRa session: Amanda Vidal
July 13thLIRa summer session: Joshua Sack
September 7thLIRa session: Daniil Khaitovich
September 12thJRC Joint PhD Celebration Event (LIRa affiliated)
September 14thLIRa session: Avijeet Ghosh
September 26thJoint NihiL and LIRa session: Yanjing Wang and Zilu Wang
September 28thLIRa session: Gillman Payette
October 12thLIRa session: Alexandru Baltag
October 26thLIRa session: Fausto Barbero
November 9thLIRa session: Natasha Alechina
November 16thLIRa session: Jan-Willem Romeijn
November 30thLIRa session: Jakob Dirk Top
December 14thLIRa session: Andreas Herzig


January 15thBirthday workshop: Exploring Baltag’s Universe
February 3rdLIRa session: Matt Mandelkern and Wesley Holliday
February 10thLIRa session: Salvador Mascarenhas
February 17thLIRa Session: Torben Braüner
February 24thLIRa session: Hannes Leitgeb
March 3rdLIRa Session: Louwe Kuijer
March 10thLIRa session: Stipe Pandžić
March 17thLIRa session: Hans van Ditmarsch
March 24thLIRa Session: Bonan Zhao
April 7thLIRa session: Dingmar van Eck
April 22ndLIRa affiliated event: Logic4Peace
April 28thLIRa session: Marianna Girlando
May 12thLIRa Session: Rineke Verbrugge
May 19thLIRa session: Paul Egré
June 2ndLIRa Session: Gregor Behnke
June 9thLIRa session: Krisztina Fruzsa
June 23rdLIRa Session: Gaia Belardinelli
June 30thLIRa session: Réka Markovich
September 15thLIRa session: Zoé Christoff
September 29thLIRa session: Thomas Randriamahazaka
October 6thLIRa session: Lingyuan Ye
October 20thLIRa session: Adam Bjorndhal
October 24thLIRa-related event: CELT2022: Connections between Epistemic Logic and Topology
November 10thLIRa session: Franz Berto
November 17thLIRa session: Paolo Galeazzi
November 24thLIRa session: Thomas Schindler
December 1stLIRa session: Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas–Lubsen
December 8thVvL Joint Seminar and VvL Master Thesis Prize award ceremony (Groningen)
December 15thLIRa session: Fan Yang


January 14thLIRa Session: Brian Logan
January 21stLIRa Session: Rafał Gruszczyński
January 28thLIRa Session: Claudia Fernández-Fernández
February 4thLIRa Session: Sophia Knight
February 11thLIRa Session: Elise Perrotin
February 18thLIRa Session: Marija Slavkovik
February 25thLIRa Session: Sven Rosenkranz
March 4thLIRa Session: Frederik Van De Putte
March 11thLIRa Session: Valentin Goranko
March 18thLIRa Session: Yuri David Santos
March 25thLIRa Session: Line van den Berg
April 1stLIRa Session: Hans van Ditmarsch
April 8thLIRa Session: Marta Bílková
April 15thLIRa Session: Phil Pützstück
April 22ndLIRa Session: Patricia Rich
April 29thLIRa Session: Rustam Galimullin
May 6thLIRa Session: Hein Duijf
May 20thDIEP talk: Sven Banisch
May 20thDIEP talk: Sven Banisch
May 20thDIEP talk: Sven Banisch
May 20thLIRa Session: Nina Gierasimczuk
May 27thDIEP talk: Olivier Roy
May 27thLIRa Session: Francesca Zaffora Blando
June 3rdDIEP talk: Velimir Ilić
June 3rdLIRa Session: Guillermo Menéndez Turata
June 7thLogic of Conceivability Conference
June 10thDIEP talk: Casper van Elteren
June 10thLIRa Session: Jiatu Li
June 17thDIEP talk: Alexandru Baltag
June 17thLIRa Session: Cedegao Zhang
September 16thLIRa Session: Sonja Smets
September 23rdLIRa Session: Hans Rott
September 30thLIRa Session: Johan van Benthem
September 30thCfP: Special Issue of APAL on "Combining Probability and Logic"
October 14thLIRa Session: Jürgen Landes
October 21stLIRa Session: Francesca Poggiolesi
October 28thLIRa Session: Matías Osta Vélez
November 4thLIRa Session: Giuseppe Primiero
November 11thJoint LIRa—A|C Session: Yanjing Wang
November 18thLIRa Session: Sebastian De Haro
November 25thLIRa Session: Catholijn Jonker
December 2ndLIRa Session: Adam Brandenburger
December 9thLIRa Session: Giorgio Sbardolini
December 16thLIRa Session: Branden Fitelson


January 23rdLIRa session: Dazhu Li
February 6thLIRa session: Johan van Benthem
February 13thLIRa session: Declan Thompson
February 20thLIRa session: Maria Aloni
February 27thLIRa session: Alexandru Baltag
February 28thCFP: ECAI2020 workshop NETREASON
March 5thLIRa session: Dean McHugh
March 12thLIRa session (online-only) : Michael Mäs
March 19thLIRa session (online-only): Mina Young Pedersen
March 26thLIRa session (online-only): Roberto Giuntini (Cancelled)
March 31stArgInfoexchange2020
April 16thLIRa session (online only): Yu Wei
April 23rdLIRa session (online only): Ilaria Canavotto and Eric Pacuit
April 28thOnline Workhop on Quantum and Beyond
April 29thOnline Workhop on Quantum and Beyond
April 30thLIRa session (online only): Carlo Proietti
May 7thLIRa session (online only): Anthia Solaki
May 14thLIRa session (online only): Alexandru Baltag
May 28thLIRa session (online only): Chenwei Shi
June 4thLIRa session (online only): Adam Bjorndahl
June 11thLIRa session (online only): Tobias Blanke
June 18thLIRa session (online only): Jörg Endrullis
June 25thLIRa session (online only): Thomas Bolander and Lasse Dissing
September 7thWorkshop NetReason@ECAI2020: Reasoning about Social Networks
September 17thLIRa session (online only): Dominik Klein
September 24thLIRa session (online only): Malvin Gattinger
October 1stSymposium retirement Jos Baeten (Cancelled)
October 8thLIRa session: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Cancelled)
October 9thLIRa related event: DaLí 2020 (online)
October 10thLIRa related event: DaLí 2020 (online)
October 15thLIRa session (online only): Eric Pacuit
October 22ndLIRa session (online only): Roberto Giuntini
October 29thLIRa session (online only): Erich Grädel
November 5thLIRa session: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
November 12thLIRa session (online only): Andrey Kudinov
November 13thOnline Workshop: Logic with Vector Space Models
November 26thLIRa-related event: DIEP Workshop, with talk by ILLC researcher
November 26thLIRa session (online only): Andrés Occhipinti Liberman
December 3rdLIRa/GroLog Logic Afternoon: Zoé Christoff and Aybüke Özgün
December 10thLIRa session: Konstantin Genin
December 14thWorkshop on Logics of Agency, Counterfactuals and Norms
December 15thPhD defense: Ilaria Canavotto


January 21stSYSMICS 2019 Conference: Syntax Meets Semantics
January 28thLIRa Session: Dag Westerstahl
January 31stLIRa Session: Gabrielle Gramelsberger
February 14thLIRa Session: Aidan Lyon
February 21stLIRa Session: Leendert van Maanen
February 28thLIRa Session: Katrin Schulz
March 7thLIRa Session: Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
March 14thLIRa Session: Bahareh Afshari
March 21stLIRa Session: Fausto Barbero
March 28thLIRa Session: Peter Hawke
April 4thLIRa Session: Malvin Gattinger
April 11thLIRa Session: Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval
April 17thJoint LIRa-Algebra|Coalgebra Session: Valentin Goranko
April 25thLIRa Session: Kees van Deemter
May 2ndLIRa Session: Kaibo Xie
May 9thLIRa Session: Fan Yang
May 16thPhD Defense: Jort Bergfeld
May 16thLIRa Session: Thomas Schindler
May 23rdLIRa Session: Bart Verheij
May 27thSpecial LIRa Session
June 5thIACAP 2019
June 12thWorkshop on the Occasion of Johan van Benthem's 70th birthday
July 1stGROLOG/LIRa Logic Afternoon
September 12thLIRa session: René Mellema
September 19thLIRa Session: Erman Acar
September 26thLIRa Session: Raul Fervari
October 3rdLIRa Session: Gaia Belardinelli
October 9th2nd DaLí - Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications
October 10thWorkshop on the Occasion of Frederik Lauridsen's PhD Defense
October 18thLORI VII - The International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction
October 31stLIRa Session: Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi
November 7thLIRa Session: Natasha Alechina
November 14thJoint LoC-LIRa Session: Barbara Vetter
November 20thILLC Scientific Advisory Board talks
November 21stILLC Scientific Advisory Board talks
November 27thWorkshop for Dick de Jongh's 80th Birthday
November 27thWorkshop for Dick de Jongh's 80th Birthday
November 28thLIRa Session: Rasmus Rendsvig
December 5th[CANCELLED] LIRa session: Michael Mäs
December 12thLIRa Session: Hans van Ditmarsch


January 8thDies Natalis Celebration: Honory Doctorate Barbara Partee
January 18th[CANCELLED] LIRa Session: Dominik Klein
February 1stLIRa Session: Paul Dekker
February 8thEuNoC #3: European Non-Categorical Thinking Project
February 15thLIRa Session: Alessandro Giordani
February 22ndLIRa Session: Dominik Klein
March 1stLIRa session: Jana Wagemaker
March 8thLIRa Session: Jan Broersen
March 15thLIRa Session: Martha Lewis
March 22ndLIRa Session: Zeinab Bakhtiari
March 29thNo LIRa session on the 29th of March
April 5thLIRa Session: Aldo Ramirez-Abarca
April 12thLIRa Session: Alexandru Baltag
April 19thLIRa Session: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
April 26thLIRa Session: Jakub Szymanik
May 3rdLIRa Session: Ana Lucia Vargas-Sandoval
May 17thWorkshop: Collective Responsibility, Joint Action, and Participation
May 24thLIRa Session: Davide Grossi
May 31stAcademy Colloquium on Reasoning in Social Context
June 7thILLC lunch-seminar lecture. Reasoning about other minds: From logic to the lab.
June 7thLIRa Session: Carlo Proietti
June 12thWorkshop: New Directions in Reasoning about Belief and Knowledge
June 13thTwo PhD defenses: Malvin Gattinger and Chenwei Shi
June 14thWorkshop: Algebra and duality in non-classical logic
September 13thLira Session: Jules Hedges
September 20thLIRa Session: Gianluca Grilletti
September 27thLIRa Session: Zoi Terzopoulou
October 11th[CANCELLED] LIRa Session: Alexandru Baltag
October 25thLIRa Session: Karolina Krzyżanowska
November 1stLIRa Session: Sanjay Modgil
November 8thLIRa Session: Ilaria Canavotto
November 15thLIRa Session: Johannes Korbmacher
November 22ndLIRa Session: Alexandra Kuncova
November 29thLIRa Session: Johan van Benthem
December 6thLIRa Session: Krzysztof Apt
December 13thLIRa Session: Jeroen de Ridder


January 13thLIRa session: Guillaume Aucher
January 20thLIRa session: Yanjing Wang
January 24thWorkshop on Rationality, Logic, and Decisions (WoRLD)
January 25thPhD defense: Paolo Galeazzi: Play Without Regret
February 3rdJoint LIRa-DIP Session with Alessandro Giordani
February 10thLIRa session: Laurenz Hudetz
March 3rdSMART Lecture by Vincent F. Hendricks
March 6thLIRa session: Greg Restall
March 24thLIRa session: Pierre Cardascia
April 13thLIRa session: Ilaria Canavotto
April 14th3rd CFP (extended deadline!): The Sixth International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-VI)
May 4thLIRa session: Daniel Hoek
May 11thLIRa session: Sergio Rajsbaum
May 19thLIRa session: Gábor Hofer-Szabó
June 2ndWorkshop: Logic, Rationality and Common Sense.
June 16thPhD defense: Giovanni Cinà: Categories for the working modal logician
June 16thWorkshop: Interweaving Modal Logic and Category Theory
September 4thLIRa session: Aybüke Özgün and Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval
October 3rdWorkshop on Topological Approaches in Epistemic Logic
October 4thPhD defense: Aybüke Özgün: Evidence in Epistemic Logic - A Topological Perspective
October 12thLIRa session: Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
October 19thLIRA session: Adam Bjorndahl
November 2ndLIRa session: Yuri David Santos
November 9thLIRa session: 石辰威 Chenwei Shi
November 16thLIRa session: Jean Wagemans
November 23rdLIRa session: Peter Hawke
November 30thLIRa session: Anthia Solaki
December 6thSMART Conference 2017: SMART Animals
December 7thLIRa session: Malvin Gattinger
December 14thLIRa session: Wesley Fussner


January 21stLogiCIC/LIRa session: Theo Kuipers
February 5thLIRa session: Fan Yang
February 12thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Rahim Ramezanian
February 18thLIRa affiliated event: Talk by Bob Coecke
February 26thLIRa session: Jan Broersen
March 4thLIRa session: Chenwei Shi
March 11thLIRa session: Jan van Eijck
March 18thLIRa session: Yves Bouchard
March 22ndPhD defense: Zoé Christoff: Dynamic Logics of Networks – Information Flow and the Spread of Opinion
April 1stLIRa session: Nils Bulling
April 8thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Elias Tsakas
April 15thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Jeffrey M. Keisler
April 22ndLogiCIC/LIRa session: Jon Williamson
April 22ndLogiCIC/LIRa session: Rohit Parikh
April 29thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Rohit Parikh
May 13thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Guido Bacciagaluppi
May 20thLIRa session: Benjamin Icard
May 27thLIRa session: Hein Duijf
June 1stLIRa/LogiCIC Lecture Series with Eric Pacuit
June 10thLIRa session: Eric Pacuit
September 19thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Branden Fitelson
September 23rdLIRa session: Tao Gu
September 30thLIRa session: Fengkui Ju
October 14thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Malvin Gattinger and Hans van Ditmarsch
October 28thLIRa session: Aybüke Ozgun
November 4thLIRa session: Giovanni Ciná
November 11thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Fernando R. Velázquez Quesada
November 17thLogiCIC Workshop: The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change
November 26thILLC 25th Anniversary
December 2ndLogiCIC/LIRa session: Johan van Benthem
December 9thL.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later
December 16thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Alexandru Baltag


February 13thLIRa Session: Junhua Yu
February 20thSpecial event in Celebration of Chinese New Year: From Chinese New Year customs to the communication between UvA and China, Meiyi Bao
March 6thLogiCIC/LIRa Session: Roberto Ciuni
March 11thLogiCIC/LIRa Session: Hans van Ditmarsch
March 12thLogiCIC/LIRa Session: Christian List
March 31stLogiCIC/LIRa lunch talk: Thomas Bolander
April 9thLIRa Session: Willemien Kets
April 10thLogiCIC/LIRa Session: Davide Grossi
April 17thLIRa session: Erik Quaeghebeur
May 7thLIRa affiliated event: 2nd Amsterdam Quantum Logic Workshop
May 28thLIRa/LogiCIC mini workshop on Logic and Epistemology
June 5thLIRa Session: Thomas Pashby
July 9thLIRA session: Ren-June Wang
September 4thLIRA session: Yanjing Wang
September 9thPhD defense Shengyang Zhong: Orthogonality and Quantum Geometry – Towards a Relational Reconstruction of Quantum Theory
September 10thLIRa affiliated event: From Modal and Non-Classical Logics to the Mathematics of Quantum Information
October 1stLIRa guest presentations by Joan Casas-Roma, Maximilian Huber and He Shunnan
October 8thLIRa session: Yibin Dai
October 29thLIRa session: Tomas Veloz
November 5thLogiCIC/LIRa Session: Teddy Seidenfeld
November 12thLIRa session: Iris van de Pol
November 18thLIRa discussion with Teddy Seidenfeld
November 26thLIRa affiliated event: Workshop "Reasoning in social context"
December 10thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Jan Sprenger
December 15thDIP Colloquium: Special Lecture on Logic and Rhetoric in ancient Latin and ancient Chinese
December 17thLogiCIC/LIRa session: Allard Tamminga


January 9 Imme van den Berg
January 16 Shengyang Zhong
January 23 Chenwei Shi
February 5 Barteld Kooi
February 12 Facundo Carreiro
February 21 LogiCIC Lunch-Talk: Vincent Hendricks
February 26 Giovanni Cinà
March 12 Benjamin Bewersdorf
March 19 Joshua Sack
March 26 Francesca Poggiolesi and Brian Hill
April 10 Ivano Ciardelli
April 17 Johannes Marti and Riccardo Pinosio
May 8 Zoé Christoff
May 17 Bryan Renne
June 10 LogiCIC mini-workshop on Formal Epistemology
June 19 LogiCIC mini-workshop on The Dynamics of Information States
September 9 LogiCIC/LIRa: Jeremy Seligman and Thomas Ågotnes
September 11 Bryan Renne
September 18 Fenrong Liu
September 25 Thomas Icard
October 2-3 The Logical Dynamics of Information, Agency and Interaction
October 24 Jan van Eijck
October 31 Enkhbold Nyamsuren
November 7 Virginie Fiutek and Sébastien Magnier
November 14 Johannes Marti
November 20-21 Synthese conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Formal Epistemology
November 24-26 LogiCIC Workshop on Correlated Information Change
December 5 Soroush Rafiee Rad
December 12 Alessandra Palmigiano



January 10 Kohei Kishida
January 17 Audrey Yap
January 24 Sebastian Enqvist
January 31 Janusz Czelakowski
February 7 Roberto Ciuni
February 14 Mamoru Kaneko
February 21 Kaile Su
February 27 Jens Ulrik Hansen
March 7 Karolina Krzyżanowska
March 21 Giacomo Sillari
March 28 Ulle Endriss
April 2 Marcel Boumans
April 9 Jan van Eijck
April 16 Soroush Rafiee Rad
May 14 Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
May 21 Fenrong Liu
September 5 Matthijs Westera
September 12 Emiliano Lorini
September 19 Olivier Cailloux
September 26 Rasmus Rendsvig
October 24 Ivano Ciardelli
October 31 Sven Ove Hansson
November 7 Bouke Kuijer
November 14 Rohit Parikh
November 21 Dominik Klein
November 28 Alessandra Palmigiano
December 2-4 Social Dynamics of Information Change
December 5 False-Belief Task
December 11 Knowledge, Argumentation & Games



January 12 Special Session on Logic and Learning Theory
January 19 Pietro Galliani
January 26 Denis Bonnay
February 9 Kohei Kishida
March 1 Mamoru Kaneko
March 8 Ben Rodenhäuser
March 15 Special Session in Tilburg
March 20 Roberto Ciuni
March 27 Ondrej Majer
April 10 Sunil Simon
April 24 Jens Ulrik Hansen
May 8 Virginie Fiutek
May 15 Vincent Hendricks
May 21 Branden Fitelson
May 29 Alexandru Baltag and Jort Bergfeld
June 4 Simon Kramer
June 11 Nuel Belnap
September 13 Nina Gierasimczuk
September 27 Guillaume Aucher
October 4 Lorenz Demey
October 11 Jakub Szymanik
October 17 Valentin Goranko; Daisuke Bekki
October 25 Giuseppe Greco and Alessandra Palmigiano
November 1 Lijun Zhang
November 8 Joshua Sack
November 15 Nick Bezhanishvili
November 22 Rohit Parikh
November 29 Johan van Benthem
December 5 Torben Brauner
December 6 Hans van Ditmarsch; Thomas Bolander
December 14-15 “Belief Change in Social Context”


September 19 Short Session: Mikkel Birkegaard Andersen and Martin Holm Jensen
November 03 Short Session: Tomoyuki Yamada
November 15 Long Session (in Groningen): On Games, Multi-valued Logics and Model Transformations
November 17 GLLC-21 Workshop: Modalities, Coalgebra, Complexity and Interaction
November 24 Short Session: Jan van Eijck and Floor Sietsma
December 01 GLLC-22 Workshop: Questions, Games, Logic
December 08 Short Session: Yongmei Liu
December 15 Long Session (in Amsterdam): on Logic and Games


October 4th Short session: Lex Hendrix
October 25th Long session: Social Choice
November 11th Long session (in Groningen): Epistemology and DEL
November 30th Short session: Gillman Payette
January 24th Long session: Substructural Logics, Information and Interaction
February 16th Short session: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
February 21st GLLC-20 Workshop
February 24th Long Session (in Groningen): Logic and Strategies
March 28th Long Session: Reasons, Defaults and Formal Epistemology
April 14th Long Session (in Utrecht): Messages, Information and Norms
May 4th Short Session: Michael De
May 31st Long Session (in Groningen): Learning, Explicit Beliefs and Temporal Representations


September 24th Long Session: Andreas Witzel & Jonathan Zvesper
October 22nd Short Session: Alistair Isaac
October 26th Long Session: Strategies
November 9th Long Session: Questions
November 12th Short session: Ondrej Majer
November 16th Long Session (in Groningen)
November 19th Short session: Ivano Ciardelli
November 23rd Short session: Kurt Ranalter
December 7th Long Session: Epistemic Protocols
January 18th and 19th Formal Models of Norm Change 2
February 17th Long Session: Belief Dynamics and Probabilities
March 3rd Short Session: Joel Uckelman
March 8th GLLC-17 Workshop
March 22th Long Session: Intentions and Intention Dynamics
April 12th Short session: Dick de Jongh & Lorenz Demey
April 14th Short session: Bruno Maret
April 23rd Short session: Michael Friedman
June 2nd Short session: Katsuhiko Sano


September 19th Long Session: Belief revision & logics of justification and proofs
September 25th Long Session: Lena Kurzen, Nina Gierasimczuk and Stefan Minica
September 30th Short Session: Ron van der Meyden
October 13th Long Session: Cédric Dégremont, Lena Kurzen and Jens Ulrik Hansen
October 27th Short Session: Stefan Minica
November 3rd Short Session: Nina Gierasimczuk
November 10th Short Session: Cédric Dégremont & Olivier Roy
November 17th Short Session: Matthew Wampler-Doty
December 1st Short Session: Søren Frimodt-Møller
December 8th Short Session: Jonathan Shaheen
December 16th Short Session: Peter van Ormondt & Jonathan Zvesper
February 4th Short Session: Carlo Proietti
February 12th Short Session: Michael De
February 19th
Short Session: Davide Grossi
February 26th
Introductory Lecture: Nina Gierasimczuk
March 19th
Short Session: Gaelle Fontaine & Johan van Benthem
March 26th
Short Session: Pietro Galliani
April 2nd
Short Session: Szymon Klarman
April 14th
Short Session: Jens Ulrik Hansen
April 21st
Short Session: Marian Counihan
June 8th
Short Session: Paolo Turrini
July 1st


Additional details about these sessions are unfortunately no longer available.

September 5th Informal Meeting – Setting the agenda & Johan van Benthem
September 12th Dongmo Zhang & Olivier Roy
September 19th Johan van Benthem & Daisuke Ikegami
October 3rd Alexandru Baltag
October 10th Stefan Minica
October 17th Sonja Smets
October 24th Tomohiro Hoshi & Robert van Rooij
October 31st Denis Bonnay
November 7th Fernando Velazquez-Quesada
November 14th Patrick Girard
November 21st Jonathan Zvesper
December 5th Utrecht-Amsterdam Day
December 7th Willemien Kets
December 18th
Iouri Netchitailov & Patrick Allo


Additional details about these sessions are unfortunately no longer available.

September 5th Patrick Girard
September 21st Tomasz Sadzik
October 3rd Fenrong Liu
October 17th Olivier Roy
November 17th Eric Pacuit
November 28th Fernando Velazquez- Quesada
December 7th Ondrej Majer
December 12th Ravishankar Sarma
January 26th Nicola Dimitri
February 1st Olivier Roy & Jonathan Zvesper
February 9th Patrick Girard
February 13th Itai Arieli
February 15th Eric Pacuit & Johan van Benthem
February 22nd Cedric Degremont
March 1st Fenrong Liu
March 8th Fernando Velazquez-Quesada
March 15th François Lepage
March 22nd Sujata Ghosh
March 29th Pedro A. Gongora Luna
April 5th Balder ten Cate & Amelie Gheerbrant
April 19th Eric Pacuit